H5N1 Antibodies

April 19, 2024


Recent developments in the spread of the H5N1 avian influenza (commonly known as bird flu) virus have raised global concerns, marking a significant shift in the virus's epidemiology. Initially identified over two decades ago, H5N1, a strain of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), has undergone substantial genetic changes, enhancing its pathogenicity and expanding its host range. Notably, the virus has demonstrated the capability to infect a wide array of avian species and mammals, including humans, posing a potential risk of a future pandemic.1

In light of these developments, research efforts have intensified to understand the molecular mechanisms of H5N1 pathogenicity and transmissibility. A critical area of focus is the hemagglutinin (HA) protein, a major surface antigen of the influenza virus that mediates entry into host cells. Rockland's advanced suite of antibodies against the H5N1 HA protein offers a vital tool for scientists aiming to map the antigenic landscape of H5N1 and develop strategies for both therapeutic interventions and vaccines.


Figure. Schematic representation of an influenza A virus (Adapted from Eichberg et al., 2022)

H5N1 Antibody Cross-Reactivities

HA Clade H5N1 Influenza Virus HI titers with anti-HA monoclonal antibodies
VN04-2 VN04-8 VN04-9 VN04-10 VN04-13 VN04-16
H5 Ref. A/tern/South Africa/1961 100 < < < < <
North American A/chicken/Pennsylvania/1370/1983 3200 < 25600 200 3200 <
A/mallard/Pennsylvania/10218/1984 800 < 200 6400 25600 400
A/chicken/Hidalgo/28159-232/1994 < < 200 100 1600 <
A/mallard/Arkansas/1/2001 1600 < 200 400 3200 100
Clade 0 A/Hong Kong/156/1997 6400 < 25600 6400 25600 400
A/Hong Kong/481/1997 6400 < 1600 1600 12800 100
A/duck/Singapore/3/1997 200 < 200 800 6400 200
A/goose/Hong Kong/437-4/1999 6400 < 6400 1600 6400 200
Clade 1 A/Vietnam/1194/2004 3200 1600 12800 3200 6400 1600
A/Vietnam/1203/2004 6400 1600 12800 3200 6400 1600
A/Vietnam/HN30408/2005 6400 3200 3200 3200 6400 1600
A/Hong Kong/213/2003 6400 3200 400 3200 800 3200
Clade 2.1.2 A/Indonesia/6/2005 3200 < 800 25600 200 6400
Clade 2.1.3 A/Indonesia/5/2005 < < 400 12800 200 3200
A/chicken/Indonesia/PA03/2003 800 3200 200 3200 1600 1600
A/duck/HUNWG/1504/2004 1600 < 3200 1600 < 400
A/duck/GXLA/1304/2004 < 1600 < 3200 1600 1600
A/chicken/Jogjakarta/BBVET/IX/2004 100 < 100 3200 3200 400
A/chicken/Malang/BBVET/IV/2004 3200 3200 < 3200 3200 1600
Clade 2.2 A/whopper swan/Mongolia/244/2005 < 1600 < 3200 1600 1600
A/turkey/15/2006 100 < < 3200 < 400
A/bar headed goose/Qinghai/1A/2005 100 6400 < 6400 12800 3200
Clade 2.3.4 A/duck/Hunan/15/2004 1600 < 3200 1600 < 400
A/duck/Laos/3295/2006 < < 400 1600 100 100
A/chicken/Malaysia/935/2006 100 < 400 800 100 100
A/common magpie/Hong Kong/645/2006 < < 200 400 < 100
Clade 2.4 A/duck/Guangxi/13/2004 < 1600 < 3200 1600 1600

Table 1: Hemagglutination inhibition (HI) testing was performed with 0.5% chicken red blood cells by a standard method.3 (<) less than 1:100.


H5N1 Antibodies

Product Clonality Clone Size
H5N1 Antibody VN04-2 Monoclonal 15A3 100 µL
H5N1 Antibody VN04-2 Monoclonal 15A3 100 µg
H5N1 Antibody VN04-8 Monoclonal 3G2 100 µL
H5N1 Antibody VN04-8 Monoclonal 3G2 100 µg
H5N1 Antibody VN04-9 Monoclonal 7A11 100 µL
H5N1 Antibody VN04-9 Monoclonal 7A11 100 µg
H5N1 Antibody VN04-10 Monoclonal 8A3 100 µL
H5N1 Antibody VN04-10 Monoclonal 8A3 100 µg
H5N1 Antibody VN04-13 Monoclonal 14C5 100 µL
H5N1 Antibody VN04-13 Monoclonal 14C5 100 µg
H5N1 Antibody VN04-16 Monoclonal 18E1 100 µL
H5N1 Antibody VN04-16 Monoclonal 18E1 100 µg
H5N1 Influenza Antibody Sampler Kit Monoclonal Various 1 kit